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in as little as 48 hours.
in as little as 48 hours.
![Small Changes Big Profits](
In this Special Report you’ll discover…
- A frightening fact if you’ve just started out: 95% of people who start a business on the Web think that traffic is what they should focus on first – I’ll explain why they’re dead wrong, why this could in fact be fatal to their business, and what is the single most important element to concentrate on when you’re starting out (pages 87-99.)…
- How your headline could be hiding a major hidden profit element – but if you get 100 or fewer visitors a day, I’ll show you even more powerful things to change that could almost immediately boost your bottom line! (Pages 56-59, 87-101.) Also…
- Several powerful “underground” web copy secrets that the big copywriters didn’t want me to share with you (but here they are anyway): How to use “propellers” to virtuallycompel visitors to read your sales letter to the end – and why, when you realize how “microchoices” and “microdecisions” work, you can write your own irresistible sales copy quickly and easily (pages 60-69)…
- Not only at least 14 places your profit-increasing elements could be hiding away, but also exactly what to do to squeeze every last drop of profit from them. And best of all, I’ll show you 3 “unusual” elements you can test that hardly any other marketers talk about. In the first half of the 20th century, one smart marketer tested just one of these elements to an extreme and sold over 200 million copies of his info-products! Discover exactly what his secret was (Pages 55-84, 142-144.) Plus…
- Most other marketers will tell you how to find these hidden elements. (It’s not a secret – you use either “split testing”, “multivariate testing” or “Taguchi testing” – and I’ll show you how and when to use each method.) But be warned! Very few of them actually understand the pitfalls of these techniques. Not only will I demonstrate precisely what could go wrong, but more importantly, I show you how to avoid these serious mistakes, and I also show you what to do if you have a low traffic site. (Pages 18-55, 87-99)…
- Again, most marketers don’t tell you about the other side of the coin – visitor feedback. (Can you believe this – some people will do all these tests without ever asking visitors for their opinion!) Not only will I show you why feedback is so valuable, I’ll show you whento ask it, how to ask for it effectively, I’ll demonstrate an amazing psychological reasonwhy you should ask it (which, as an aside, could also increase your chances of getting a hot date!), I’ll even show you how to get feedback from visitors who absolutely refuse to give you their email address! (I’ve seen nearly 40% of my visitors leave me feedback using this technique)… and most important of all, how to profit from all this feedback. (Pages 111-137.)
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