Writing Life Stories, Memoirs, And Personal Histories
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Writing Life Stories, Memoirs, And Personal Histories

Writing Life Stories, Memoirs, And Personal Histories: (For Fun And For Profit!)

About This Book

Easily Write And Publish Family Histories For Fun And Profit!

When it really comes down to it, people are what’s most important in this world. Relationships, histories, ups and downs, accomplishment, regret, and everything else that makes up a life.

Histories And Life Stories Are Getting Lost Forever…

It’s sad, because as much as you love your family members and as much as they love you, history is getting lost. We’re forgetting to write it all down. Memories are fuzzy. How are future generations going to keep up?

Here’s How To Capture History For Family, Friends, And Clients

It made me really sad to know that, if I didn’t get my act together soon, my son wouldn’t know much about our family history. Neither would my grandchild. If my grandmother hadn’t told me a few snippets of our past here and there, I wouldn’t know a thing about our history, either.

I decided to research and do whatever it took to learn how to interview people, transcribe those interviews, and publish it all so future generations could benefit.

As I learned all this, I learned that so many people are begging to learn how to do the same. In fact, people are holding workshops about how to do this all over the country. They’re learning how to do it for themselves and for clients.

That’s why I’ve written this book– you don’t have to attend a fancy workshop to learn how to capture family histories. I’ve detailed everything you need to know so you can do this for friends and family members– or even get your own history down in print.

I’ve even included a section on how you can do this part time or full time for other people– you can turn this into a business if you want!

I’m so happy to share this with you because the possibilities are endless.


  1. 100 Well Thought Out Interview Questions That Are Guaranteed To Help You Discover Things You Never Knew
  2. Exactly what to ask and how to ask it to uncover the best facts and stories
  3. Exactly what you need to get started, including how to turn your personal histories into published books (it’s so easy and affordable for everyone)
  4. Where to go to get information you can’t find anywhere else

That’s just the start of it! I’ve packed this with everything you need to know to:

  • Interview people for their history
  • Transcribe interviews
  • Publish transcriptions so they can be read and enjoyed by family members
  • Write memoirs and personal narratives
  • Publish professionally bound personal histories (for almost nothing!)
  • Offer this as a service to others for profit

Download: Writing Life Stories, Memoirs, And Personal Histories (For Fun And For Profit!)

You get to preserve history– this is an amazing opportunity. Imagine being able to present personal histories to everyone in your family. Imagine your childrens’ children reading your history decades from now. Imagine being able to bring a smile to the faces of others as you provide them with this priceless service.

The possibilities are endless here, and I know you’re going to be as excited as I am as soon as you get your hands on this material.

Ready To Get Started?

Buy Now to download this to your Kindle device or app, today.